
cbcvm Documentation


docs module

Tools to document module exports.

function print_generator(inner_generator)

Create a generator that prints the result of inner_generator to stdout.

function single_page_markdown()

Create a documentation generator that results in a single string of markdown.

function single_page_html()

Create a documentation generator that results in a single string of HTML.

function generate(generator)

Generate documentation using generator for all items already added to the registry.

struct generator

The interface for a documentation generator.

function module

Create an object to document members of a module.

arraylist module

A growable array.

function to_iter(list)

Create an iterator over the arraylist.

function contains(list, thing)

Check if any element in list is equal to thing.

function some(list, func)

Check if any element in list satisfies the predicate func.

function find_index(list, func)

Get the first element that satisfies the predicate func, or null if none exists.

function find_index(list, func)

Get the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate func, or -1 if none exists.

function foreach(list, func)

Call func for each element of list.

function pop(list)

Remove and return the last element of list.

object collector

A collector for converting an iterator into an arraylist.

function push(list, value)

Push value on to the end of list, growing it if necessary.

function to_array(list)

Copy the elements of list into a fixed-length array.

function delete(list, idx)

Remove the element at index idx from list. This involves shuffling all elements after idx leftward, so it’s not very efficient.

function set(list, idx, value)

Set the element of list at index idx to value.

function get(list, idx)

Get the element of list at index idx.

function capacity(list)

Get the maximum number of items list can hold.

function length(list)

Get the number of items in list.

function new()

Create an empty arraylist with default initial capacity.

function with_capacity(cap)

Create an empty arraylist with the given initial capacity.

function iter(list)

Create an iterator over arraylist list.

function from_array(len, array)

Create a new arraylist from array. The len argument should be the length of array.

array module

Functions for working with arrays.

function slice(array, start, end)

Returns a slice of array starting at index start and ending at index end.

function reversed(array)

Create a new array with the elements of array reversed.

function reverse(array)

Reverse array in place.

function foldl(array, init, reducer)

Reduce array from the left, using the first value of array as the initial value for the accumulator.

function foldl(array, init, reducer)

Reduce array from the left, using init as the initial value for the accumulator.

function map(array, func)

Create a new array where each element is the result of calling func on the corresponding element of array.

function contains(array, thing)

Returns true if any element of array is equal to thing.

function foreach(array, func)

Call func with the element, index, and array for each element of array.

function find(array, predicate)

Find the element element for which predicate returns true. If there is none, returns null.

function find_index(array, predicate)

Find the index of the element for which predicate returns true. If there is none, returns -1.

object collector

A collector for converting an iterator into an array.

function iter(array)

Create an iterator from array array.

function length(array)

Get the length of array array.

function new(len)

Create a new array of length len.

iter module

Lazy iterators.

function repeat(val, n)

Create an iterator that repeats val n times.

function min(it)

Find the smallest item in the iterator (using <).

function max(it)

Find the largest item in the iterator (using >).

function fold(it, init, reducer)

Reduce the iterator, using init as the initial value of the accumulator.

function fold1(it, reducer)

Reduce the iterator, using the first value as the initial value of the accumulator.

function flat(it)

Flattens an iterator of iterators.

function zip(a, b)

Create an iterator that joins a and b pair-wise.

function take_while(it, pred)

Create an iterator that yields the values of it until pred returns false.

function drop(it, n)

Create an iterator that ignores the first n elements of it.

Note that calling this function immediately evaluates and drops the first n values of it.

function take(it, n)

Create an iterator that evaluates the first n elements of it.

Note that evaluating this iterator partially evalutaes it.

function map(it, fn)

Return a new iterator that yields the values of it applied to fn.

function collect(it)

Evaluate an iterator, returning an array of the values it yields.

function foreach(it, fn)

Call the function fn for every element of it. This evaluates the iterator.

function enumerate(it)

Create an iterator that yields pairs of index and value from it.

function range(to)

Create an iterator that counts from 0 to to.

function count(n)

Create an iterator that counts up from n indefinitely.

struct collector

An struct defining the required functions to convert an iterator into an arbitrary collection.

assoclist module

A map data structure backed by an arraylist of key-value pairs.

function entries(list)

Get all entries from list.

function is_empty(list)

Check if list has no elements.

function has(list, key)

Check if an entry for key exists in list.

function delete(list, key)

Delete the first entry for key in list.

function get(list, key)

Get the first value of key in list.

function set(list, key, value)

Set the value of key in list to value.

object collector

A collector for converting an iterator of entries into an assoclist.

function iter(list)

Create an iterator over the entries of list.

function length

Check the number of items in the list.

function new

Create an empty assoclist.

bytes module

A compact byte array type.

object collector

A collector for converting an iterator into byte array.

function length(bytes)

Get the length of bytes.

function set(bytes, i, val)

Set the ith value in bytes to val.

function get(bytes, i)

Get the ith element from bytes.

function copy(from, to, n)

Copy n bytes from from to to.

function new(size)

Create a new byte array of size size.

char module

Functions for working with characters.

function to_digit(c)

Get the integer value of the digit character c.

function to_lowercase(c)

Return the lowercase version of c.

function to_uppercase(c)

Return the uppercase version of c.

function is_whitespace(c)

Check if c is an ASCII whitespace character.

function is_uppercase(c)

Return true if c is lowercase.

function is_uppercase(c)

Return true if c is uppercase.

function is_alpha(c)

Return true if c is an ASCII letter.

function is_digit(c)

Return true if c is an ASCII digit.

math module

Math functions.

function floor(n)

Round n down to the previous integer value.

function ceil(n)

Round n up to the next integer value.

function shr(a, b)

Shift a to the right by b bits.

function shl(a, b)

Shift a to the left by b bits.

function sqrt(n)

Calculate the square root of n.

function abs(n)

Calculate the absolute value of n.

fn module

Functional programming utilities.

function chain(functions)

The same as compose, except the values are piped left-to-right.

function compose(functions)

Pipe the function return values from right-to-left.

For example, compose([a, b, c])("test") is equivalent to a(b(c("test"))).

function partial(fn, args)

Honestly not really sure what this does lol

function curry(fn, a)

Return a fn partially-applied with a.

function flip(f)

Return a function g(a, b) which calls f(b, a).

function identity(x)

Return x.

function apply(func, args)

Call func, passing as arguments the elements of the array args.

op module

Functions that wrap operators.

function bxor(a, b)

Performs a ^ b.

function bor(a, b)

Performs a | b.

function band(a, b)

Performs a & b.

function mod(a, b)

Performs a % b.

function div(a, b)

Performs a / b.

function mul(a, b)

Performs a * b.

function neg(a)

Performs -a.

function sub(a, b)

Performs a - b.

function add(a, b)

Performs a + b.

function gte(a, b)

Performs a >= b.

function gt(a, b)

Performs a > b.

function lte(a, b)

Performs a <= b.

function lt(a, b)

Performs a < b.

function ne(a, b)

Performs a != b.

function eq(a, b)

Performs a == b.

string module

Functions for working with strings.

function split(string, on)

Break a string into an array of parts, where each part is separated by on.

function strip(string, lpred=char.is_whitespace, rpred=null)

Remove characters from both ends of the string while predicates remain true. If only lpred is passed it’s used for the start and end of the string. If rpred is also passed, it’s used for the end of the string.

function rstrip(string, pred=char.is_whitespace)

Remove characters from the end of the string while pred remains true.

function lstrip(string, pred=char.is_whitespace)

Remove characters from the start of the string while pred remains true.

function contains(string, c)

Check if string contains the character c.

function rindex(string, c)

Find the last index where c is found in string.

function index(string, c)

Find the first index where c is found in string.

function endswith(string, suffix)

Check if suffix is a suffix of string.

function startswith(string, prefix)

Check if prefix is a prefix of string.

function slice(string, start, end)

Get a substring of string starting from start and ending at end.

function parse_float(str)

Parse str as a floating point number.

function parse_integer(str, base)

Parse str as an integer of base base. Currently only works for base 10.

object collector

A collector to convert an iterator of characters or strings into a string.

function iter(str)

Create an iterator over the characters in str.

function char_at(string, idx)

Get the idxth character of string.

function length(string)

Get the length of string.

function concat(a, ...)

Concatenate all strings passed as arguments with no separator.

function bytes(string)

Get the bytes of string as an array.

function from_chars(chars)

Create a string from the array of characters chars.

function chars(string)

Get the characters of string as an array.

test module

Testing utilities.

function assert(cond)

Panics if cond is not truthy.

base64 module

Base64 encoding and decoding functions.

function encode(payload, out=null)

Encode an array of bytes into a base64 string. A single out buffer can be reused between calls to encode for better performance.

function decode(data)

Decode a base64 string into an array of ints.

function decode_size(payload)

Calculate the number of bytes that will result from decoding payload.

function encode_size(payload)

Calculate the size of the base64 encoding of the byte array payload.

box module

A simple wrapper type to emulate references.

function get(self)

Get the value that’s inside the box.

function set(self, value)

Change the value in the box to value.

function new(value)

Make a new box containing value.

fs module

Filesystem operations.

Note ``

Lower-level functions and constants are exported from _fs.

These are not documented, and will eventually move here.

function issock(path)

Check if path points to a socket.

function islink(path)

Check if path points to a link.

function isdir(path)

Check if path points to a directory.

function isfile(path)

Check if path points to a file.

function directory_entries(path)

Get an iterator over the entries of a directory, excluding ‘.’ and ‘..’.

function read_file(name)

Read the file called fname to completion.

This should also work with fifos and stuff.

hash module

Hashing functions.

function string(s)

A hash function for strings.

function char(c)

A hashing function for character values.

function int(n)

A hashing function for integer values.

function fnv1a(bytes)

Applies the 32bit FNV-1a hashing algorithm to a byte array.

hashmap module

An implementation of a hash map.

function extend(map, entries)

Add each key-value pair in the entries iterator to map.

function from_entries(entries)

Call from_entries_with_hash_function with the default hash function and entries.

function from_entries_with_hash_function(hash, entries)

Create a new hashmap with hash as its hash function, and populate it from the iterator of key-value pairs entries.

function make(init)

Call make_with_hash_function with the default hash function and init.

function make_with_hash_function(hash, init)

Make a new hashmap with hash as its hash functions, and call init to initialize the map.

The init function receives a function that can be called with a key and value to set them on the new map.

function values(map)

Get an iterator over the values in map.

function keys(map)

Get an iterator over the keys in map.

function size(map)

Count the number of values in map.

function iter(map)

Get an iterator over the key-value pairs in map.

function entries(map)

Get an iterator over the key-value pairs in map.

function has(map, key)

Check if map has a value for key.

function delete(map, key)

Delete key from map.

function set(map, key, value)

Set the value associated with key in map to value.

function get(map, key)

Get the value associated with key from map.

function clear(map)

Delete all values from the map.

function with_hash_function(func)

Create a new hash map that uses func as its hash function.

function set_hash_function(map, func)

Set the hash function used by map to func.

function new()

Create a hashmap in the default configuration.

function with_capacity(n)

Create a new hashmap with n buckets.

function collector(hash_fn=...)

Create a collector for converting an iterator of entries into a hashmap.

result module

A result type. Probably rendered obsolete by panicking.

function map_error(result, fn)

Return a new result where the value has been processed by fn if the result was unsuccessful.

function map(result, fn)

Return a new result where the value has been processed by fn if the result was successful.

function data(result)

Get the value from result.

function code(result)

Get the error code from result.

function is_error(result)

Check if result was unsuccessful.

function is_ok(result)

Check if result was successful.

function error(code, value)

Create a failed result with error code code and data value.

function ok(value)

Create a successful result containing value.

constant ERROR

A sentinel value representing an unsuccessful result.

constant OK

A sentinel value representing a successful result.

json module

A partial implementation of a JSON parser.

function parse(input)

Parse the string input as JSON.

The returned value is a result, for historical reasons (lol). See the result module for more information.


An error returned when the input string is not able to be parsed.


An error returned when an unexpected token is encountered.

list module

A linked list implementation.

function to_array(list)

Create a new array with the elements of list.

function map(list, func)

Create a new linked list where every element is calculated by calling func on the old element.

object collector

A collector to convert an iterator into a list.

function reverse(list)

Make a new linked list that is the reverse of list.

function find(list, func)

Return the first element of list that satisfies the predicate func.

If none is found, this function returns null.

function foreach(list, func)

Call func for every element of list.

function append(list, value)

Add a value to the end of the list.

Like length, this function is O(n).

function prepend(list, value)

Add a value to the front of the list.

This function is O(1) (i.e. takes the same time regardless of the length of the list).

function length(list)

Get the length of the list.

Note that this is O(n) (i.e. requires traversing the entire list).

function iter(list)

Create an iterator over list.

function new()

Create a new, empty linked list.

obj module

A simple object system.

function setattr(obj, name)

Set an attribute on the internal dictionary of obj.

function getattr(obj, name)

Get an attribute from the internal dictionary of obj.

function super(obj, msg, args)

Call the method msg on the superclass object of obj.

function send(obj, msg, args)

Call the method msg on obj.

function _send(cls, obj, msg, args)

Manually call the method msg on class cls, using obj as the instance.

Note that there is no guarantee that the method called is compatible with obj.

function getsuper(cls)

Get the superclass of the class cls.

function getclass(obj)

Get the class of obj.

function new(class, args)

Create an instance of a class.

function class(super, methods)

Define a class that extends super.

The methods value should be a hashmap of functions.

path module

Utilities for manipulating filesystem paths.

function ext(path)

Get the extension of path, without the ‘.’.

function basename(path)

Get the portion of path after the last ‘/’.

If there is no ‘/’ in path, the same string is returned.

function dirname(path)

Return the portion of path that is before the last ‘/’.

If there is no ‘/’ in path, ‘.’ is returned.

function join(a, b)

Join the paths a and b with a ‘/’.

re module

Primitive regular expressions.

function match(nfa, text)

Match some text against an NFA generated by compile.

function compile(exp)

Compile a regular expression string into an NFA.